Mason Jar Herb Garden

This weekend was so beautiful out and it really got me in the mood to start my garden...but, I don't have a garden...I don't have a flat area in my yard at all due to the fact that we are building our home right now. So, instead, me and the boys went to the local free store and found some mason jars. We put some organic potting mix in them, some seeds, and started growing some herbs!  The boys loved this and they used some of their "kiddie" garden tools from the family dollar store. This kept them busy for about 1.5 hours which included some educational talks about growing a garden, thinking outside the box for gardens, using clean organic ingredients, and we just put them in our kitchen window...awaiting for them to grow!  I also picked up some herb kits from target in the dollar aisles. I am not sure how they will turn out, but we did start these as well! The other ingredients for this project was only $9 total and we planted 6 mason jars. Below are some additional inspirations for starting a "Mason Jar Garden" with your little ones! Enjoy!!

 (Dollar Herb Kits from Target)

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